© 2025 National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War. Memorial complex.


6 November 2022

The project’s name is literal, not metaphorical. The armor plates that saved the Ukrainian military but became unusable in combat have been transformed into art objects created by well-known artists in Ukraine and abroad, such as Yurii Vakulenko, Petro Bevza, Nazar Bilyk, and others.

We have been following for a long time how the joint idea born by the co-founder of the charity foundation and volunteer movement Oleksandr Kovalchuk and the creative agency McCann Kyiv turned into a powerful semantic project supported by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. So now we are ready to present our work to the general public.

Art is a universal form of visual communication rich in meanings and allusions. It has a powerful emotional impact and expressive aesthetic. In the ArtArmor project, this language was utilized to emphasize a simple truth amid current tragic events: human life is the most precious thing in this world. Symbolic media were chosen to convey this idea—protective armored plates that were damaged while fulfilling their primary purpose of saving soldiers’ lives.