“Marsh Svobody” (The March of Freedom) realized this art exhibition as a call to pay more attention to the personal dimension of war. The works of contemporary young artists show how we struggle with inner feelings, pain, and traumatization, how we overcome the impact of war on our own, or how we need help.
The Lower Gate space features various drawings and installations by artists such as Kateryna Lysovenko, Alina Yakubenko, Ihor Husiev, Nikita Kravtsov, Dmytro Kolomoytsev, Natan Markman, Nikita Kadan, and Dariia Kuzmych. These works depict different experiences of living through war, touching on individual trigger situations that cause personal reflection and internal dialog. The artwork addresses uncomfortable topics such as bombing and rescue, depression and black humor, phantom pains, and trauma, which raise important societal questions. These include how to respond when encountering a traumatized person, where to seek help in times of need, and what the state should do to aid in adaptation and socialization.