© 2025 National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War. Memorial complex.

Public lecture "Luhansk—the Land of Ukrainian Patriots"

Events / 14 October 2024

On October 14, 2024, at 14:00, the War Museum will host a public lecture, "Luhansk—the Land of Ukrainian Patriots," dedicated to the 82nd anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).

The event will cover topics related to the national liberation struggle in the Luhansk region over the past 100 years. This includes the period of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921, the activities of the OUN during World War II, and the current resistance movement to russian invaders since 2014.

The terror of the NKVD in 1929-1937, which destroyed most patriotic resistance centers in the eastern regions of Ukraine, the activities of the OUN in Luhansk, the lack of support for the communist partisan movement among the local population, and resistance to the occupiers during the russian-Ukrainian war—the speakers of the public lecture will cover this little-studied history of the region.

Among the key topics:

  • The Resistance Movement in the Luhansk region during the Ukrainian Revolution
  • Activities of the OUN and the underground movement during World War II
  • Partisan resistance in the current russian-Ukrainian war


  • Volodymyr Zhemchuhov, Museum employee, commander of the resistance movement in Luhansk region in 2014-2016, Hero of Ukraine
  • Valentyna Smirnova, senior researcher at the Museum’s Department of the History of the Liberation Struggle and Resistance Movements
  • Oleksii Syzonovych, participant in sabotage operations in the occupied Luhansk region in 2014-2016, prisoner of russian militants in 2016-2019

Unique photos, documentary footage, and a photo series of museum artifacts will be presented, documenting the Luhansk resistance from 2014 to 2024.

Curator: Volodymyr Zhemchuhov

The event will be live-streamed on the Museum’s Facebook page.

We welcome students, pupils, journalists, and anyone interested to participate in the discussion on the history of the Ukrainian struggle for independence.