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The Will to Win

The exhibition in the Main building showcases artifacts highlighting the history of the Olympic movement in Ukraine. The exhibition’s primary focus is the compelling evidence gathered from destroyed sports venues, illustrating how russia is not only destroying the sports infrastructure but also impacting the lives of our athletes.

Despite the challenging circumstances, Ukraine is sending a delegation of 140 athletes to compete in 23 events at the Olympics. This demonstrates a strong message to the international community that Ukrainian athletes are resilient and capable of achieving success. 

The national exposition has been established with the support of the Office of the President of Ukraine in collaboration with the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine.

Opening hours (from 1.03):

  • Monday – Friday – from 10 am to 7 pm. The box office is open until 6:30 pm
  • Saturday –Sunday – from 10 am to 8 pm. The box office is open until 7:30 pm
  • The last Monday of every month is the day off.

Entrance fee (general admission ticket for the Main building):

  • Adults – 70 UAH
  • Pupils – 20 UAH
  • Students – 30 UAH

Guided tour cost (general admission ticket):

  • Adults – 200 UAH
  • Students, pupils of Ukrainian schools, and military personnel of the Armed Forces and the National Guard of Ukraine – 100 UAH
  • In a foreign language – 400 UAH

Book a guided tour by phone (044) 285-94-52

No Glory without Battle

Ten years ago, on June 23, dozens of patriotic volunteers took an Oath of Allegiance to the people of Ukraine on Sophia Square and went to defend their country. The War Museum opened the exhibition "No Glory without Battle" to mark this remarkable date.

The exhibition includes samples of the uniforms of the soldiers, which show the history of the unit’s development, from the guerrilla corps to the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov, named after Dmytro Vyshnevetskyi of the National Guard of Ukraine, fragments of an Iskander-M missile, personal brassards of the Azov soldiers and an installation dedicated to the soldiers who died as a result of a terrorist attack in the prisoner of war camp in the village of Olenivka.

We invite you to visit the exhibition to learn more about the legendary 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Book an excursion by phone (044) 285-94-52

Opening hours:

Monday – Friday from 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.

The ticket office is open till 6.30 p.m.

Saturday – Sunday from 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

The ticket office is open till 7.30 p.m.

The last Monday of every month is the day off.

The multimedia project “Children…” – martyrology of children killed during the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war

The multimedia project “Children…” under the arch of the Upper Moscow Gate of the 18th century of the Pechersk Fortress is presented.

It is impossible to estimate the real number of the killed and wounded children, as the occupiers continue the active hostilities. However, the known number of lost lives is reflected in the symbolic account. The names of the dead appear on the symbolic altar, and those who have now turned into angels are watching us from eye to eye.

Ertrance is free.

Working hours:

  • Mon – Fri: from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Sat – Sun: from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The last Monday of every month is the day off.

The time capsule is open!

The War Museum has opened a section of its main exhibition that was previously closed since February 22, 2022.

Visitors can now access the first seven halls, which showcase the history of Ukraine during the Second World War from 1939 to 1944. These halls are located under the arch of the Motherland monument.

We are waiting for you in the Main Building of the Museum at 27 Lavrska St.

Opening hours (from 1.03):

  • Monday – Friday – from 10 am to 7 pm. The box office is open until 6:30 pm
  • Saturday –Sunday – from 10 am to 8 pm. The box office is open until 7:30 pm

The last Monday of every month is the day off.

Entrance fee (general admission ticket for the main building):

  • Adults – 70 UAH
  • Pupils – 20 UAH
  • Students – 30 UAH

Guided tour cost (general admission ticket):

  • Adults – 200 UAH
  • Students, pupils of Ukrainian schools, and military personnel of the Armed Forces and the National Guard of Ukraine – 100 UAH
  • In a foreign language – 400 UAH

Book a guided tour by phone (044) 285-94-52

Praying for the army

The exhibition tells the story of chaplaincy activities in Ukraine – a sincere spiritual service capable of supporting soldiers in difficult times, providing solace, and sometimes even saving lives. Today, more than 200 military chaplains serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, and the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. They wear uniforms and hold not only religious ranks but also military titles. Military chaplains possess military skills, knowledge of security measures, and various types of weaponry, although they do not carry weapons themselves.

The exhibition features 15 personal profiles of military chaplains, including those who recently received mandates and signed contracts with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as those who have been volunteering to bring God’s word to the frontlines since 2014. Three of the represented chaplains have passed away – Father Maksym Kozachyna and Father Oleh Marinchenko were killed by the enemy, and Father Marian Dyus died of severe illness.

The exhibition is created on an interfaith principle, allowing visitors to become acquainted with the stories of military chaplains from different religious denominations, including the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine, Protestants – Baptists and Pentecostals, imam-chaplains, and the only Jewish chaplain in Ukraine.

We will be glad to see you in the main Museum’s building at 27 Lavrska Street

Working hours:

  • Monday – Friday – from 10 am to 7 pm. The box office is open until 6:30 pm
  • Saturday –Sunday – from 10 am to 8 pm. The box office is open until 7:30 pm

The last Monday of every month is the day off.

  • Entrance fee (single ticket for all the exhibitions of the main building):  adults – UAH 70, students of Ukraine – UAH 30, schoolchildren of Ukraine – UAH 20
  • Guided tour fee (per group, single ticket for all the exhibitions of the main building): UAH 200 – adults, UAH 100 - students, schholchildren of Ukraine, active military service members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine, UAH 400 - tours in English

Book the guided tour by phone +38 (044) 285-94-52

Threat from the sky

A project-warning about the danger posed to Ukrainians by the enemy drones, which are targeting defense forces, civilian objects, including critical, economic, socio-cultural infrastructure, etc.

At the same time, it serves as a reminder of the need to help Ukrainian defenders, specifically, to provide them with the latest means of detecting and destroying targets, among which UAVs play an increasingly important role. The exhibition presents various types of unmanned aerial vehicles used by Russian aggressors for reconnaissance and defeating ground targets.

Working hours:

  • Monday – Friday – from 10 am to 7 pm. The box office is open until 6:30 pm
  • Saturday –Sunday – from 10 am to 8 pm. The box office is open until 7:30 pm

The last Monday of every month is the day off.

  • Entrance fee (single ticket for all the exhibitions of the main building):  adults – UAH 70, students of Ukraine – UAH 30, schoolchildren of Ukraine – UAH 20
  • Excursion fee per group (single ticket for all the exhibitions of the main building): UAH 200 – adults, UAH 100 - students, schholchildren of Ukraine, active military service members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine, UAH 400 - tours in English

Book the guided tour by phone +38 (044) 285-94-52

Sign on the Shield

The exhibition is organized in tight connection with the nationwide project “Trident of the Motherland”, which is purposed for replacement of the Soviet symbols on the shield of the Motherland Monument with the Ukrainian state symbol of Trident. In the broader context, the exhibition resounds with the general reinterpretation of the War Museum and the monument as its dominant object.

In the exhibition space, over 200 authentic artifacts are displayed, covering more than a millennial period of Ukraine’s history. The exposition reveals the most interesting facts from the Trident history, draws attention to the most important stages of its evolving into the state coat of arms. This is a peculiar response to the actual public questions related to the reproduction of the Trident on the shield. It highlights the connection of this process with renaming of the Motherland Monument and the Museum in general.

Especially for this project, the Museum has prepared the new exposition space in the Exhibition Center that consists of three halls. Each of them contains the relevant chapter of the exhibition: “State Sign”, “National Symbol” and “Sign on the Shield”.

See you at the Exhibition Center of the Museum at 27 Lavrska Street.

Working hours:

  • Monday – Friday – from 10 am to 7 pm. The box office is open until 6:30 pm
  • Saturday –Sunday – from 10 am to 8 pm. The box office is open until 7:30 pm

The last Monday of every month is the day off.

Entrance fee:

  • standard – UAH 50
  •  for students – UAH 30
  • excursion fee per group – UAH 150 in Ukrainian, UAH 100 for students of Ukraine, UAH 300 in English
  • author’s excursion (for groups 5-20 people) fee per person – UAH 200 (entrance included)

Book the guided tours by phone +38 (044) 285-94-52

Ukraine – Crucifixion

The exhibition on the Russian-Ukrainian war “Ukraine – Crucifixion” is opened for the visitors in the Museum.

For the first time in the world museum practice, the stationary exposition on the ongoing war was created in the real time. With the help of the authentic materials and photos, the horrible realities of the full-scale Russian aggression are highlighted.

Visit us in the exhibition center of the Museum (27 Lavrska Street, Kyiv).

Working hours:

  • Monday – Friday – from 10 am to 7 pm. The box office is open until 6:30 pm
  • Saturday –Sunday – from 10 am to 8 pm. The box office is open until 7:30 pm

The last Monday of every month is the day off.

  • Entrance fee: adults – UAH 50, students and school pupils – UAH 30
  • Excursion fee per group – UAH 150 for adults, UAH 100 for school pupils, UAH 300 for a tour in English

French caricatures. Online exhibition

On February 24, 2022, russia launched an insidious attack on the territory of Ukraine. Since then, the Museum has received many offers of help and cooperation. Museums and cultural institutions provided their spaces for museum exhibitions about Ukraine’s fight for freedom and democratic values. However, there were artists who donated their works to the Museum. One of them is the French illustrator and cartoonist Regis Hector. He sent the Museum caricatures of his own authorship on the topic of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

We offer art works created by the artist in 2022-2023. These are works that reflect the steadfast resistance of Ukrainians to Russian aggression and their bravery in defending the European future of their country and the futility of the invaders’ plans to dominate Ukraine.

Watch exhibition online